You might be wondering why I would start a website/blog when I have both Facebook and Instagram. I might be wondering the same thing. (Should I rethink this already?)
The story is that the algorithms (yes, that's not just a thing someone made up to make you like their post) that controls engagement and visibility of business pages on social media sites are becoming a lot to wrap my mind around to put it simply. If you're wondering if I'm ditching my social media, the answer is 'no' - I will still be using those platforms as well. This just gives me the ability to house everything in one place and to make sure those who are truly interested in the offerings I have available will be able to find them clearly without them being hidden because my post didn't receive 👍 12 likes, 🖤 87 hearts, and 💬 32 comments by someone's mother's brother's great aunt within the first ⏱ 17 minutes and 16 seconds of posting. Obviously that's not really the algorithm, but it kind of feels that way.
While you'll be able to find everything here, you can also subscribe to my email list. As someone who has spent an undesirable amount of time hitting 'unsubscribe' to ninety-seven percent of the emails I receive, I want to reassure you that I only send emails when I have actual news to share (class offerings, events, etc). In the six months I've had my email subscriber list, I've sent maybe three emails. I hope that expands a bit in the future as I add on new class options, but again, I assure you that you won't be receiving spam and I'm not sharing your email with anyone else.
So there you have it - why I started a website. To stay up to date on all the good stuff, subscribe to my email list! To take a class, check out the 'Offerings' and 'Upcoming Events' pages!
